List of chapters and their subheadings
1: Acts of Introduction (link to Word file)
(0) Opening text (1) Acts of learning explained (2) How this book works, and for whom (3) Learning in Psychology: from behaviourism to learning sciences (4) Psychological foundations. Why? Where?
2.Collaborating (link to Word file)
(0) Opening text (1) Introduction (2) The collaboration: designing for shared thinking (3) The collaboration: research outcomes (3.1) Study together or study solo: comparing efficacy (3.2) Styles of collaborating that can influence outcomes (4) The collaboration: structuring it for success (5) The collaborating mind (5.1) A triadic model of mind (5.2) The mind extended (5.3) Socially-extended thinking, or the ‘collaborating mind‘ (5.4 ) Collaborative inhibition (6) Becoming collaborative (7) Chapter summary
2: Tutoring (link to Word file)
(0) Opening text (1) The conversational basis of tutoring ( 2) Dialogue as scaffold ( 3) Being a guided learner (4) How tutoring works: distributed cognition (5) How tutoring works: cognitive load (6) How tutoring works: self-explaining (7) Co-construction, intersubjectivity and robots (8) Culture and context (9) Psychological themes
2: Exposition
(0) Opening text [….To be continued]
3: Participating
5: Performing
6: Practicing
7: Constructing
8: Decomposing
9: Browsing
10: Representing